The meeting of Arise-Chandigarh was conducted by Mr.P.S.Bhinder, Organizing Secretary, Arise, Punjab under the Chairmanship of veteran Mr.H.S.Chadha (Ex AGM) on 26.11.2016 at Hotel Park Inn, Sector 35, Chandigarh.The meeting was attended by around 50 members including many retired GMs, DGMs, AGMs and CMs.

At the outset Mr.Bhinder welcomed and introduced Mr. P.C.Grover, Mr.Hari Chand Chhar and Mr. Girish Batra who joined Arise as Life Members on their superannuation.

Since the members were very curious to know about the procedure for lodging claims for Domiciliary Treatment under NMIS, Mr.Bhinder discussed and clarified each and every step relating to the procedure as under:-
1. A Certificate to be obtained from the consulting Doctor/Hospital on their Letter Head explaining the name of disease from which the
member is suffering and the period for which the treatment is required.
2. The members may take adequate photo copies of the said certificate.
3. The first Claim to be submitted on prescribed claim form along-with original CERTIFICATE and original bills/receipts of
medicines purchased/lab test reports.
4. While submitting subsequent Claims on prescribed Forms, the photostat copy of the above CERTIFICATE is to be submitted along-with
original bills/receipts,as explained above.
5. Till the bank comes out with detailed circular containing guidelines about submission of bills, the members may submit their
Reimbursement Claims to Mr. L.Hariharan, Senior Executive, MDIndia Heaalthcare (TPA) Pvt.Ltd. C/O PAD/WELFARE SECTION,
Central Office, Chennai through Regd.Post.
6. The difference between Domiciliary Hospitalization and Ordinary Domiciliary Treatment was also explained to the members i.e. for
Domiciliary Hospitalization, the Claim Form meant for Hospitalization is to be used, whereas for ordinary Domiciliary Treatment, the
specific form for Domiciliary Treatment is to be used.
7. In case of Govt.Hospitals, where Original Card/File is to be retained with the patient/hospital for future consultations/prescriptions, the
members were advised to take photocopies of such Cards/Files and get the same attested by the Consulting Doctor for submitting the
same to TPA for reimbursement of the medical claims along-with original bills of medicines/test reports etc.

For convenience of the members, complete sets of 11pages containing Claim Forms and allied papers along-with an extract of the CO’s Circular containing the list of diseases covered under Domiciliary Treatments were also distributed among the members. They were also guided as to how they can download the required forms from the website of MDIndia also.

In addition to above, the status of our pending demands i.e., 100% DA neutralization, enhancement of family pension and updation of pension etc. and the follow up being made by our leaders at IBA/Govt. level in this regard were also explained to the members.

The status of sharing of Insurance Premium by the bank and restoration of 0.50% interest on deposits of pensioners (as payable to Senior Citizens) was also apprised to the members.

The date of next meeting was fixed as 24th December, 2016.

The meeting was concluded with Vote of Thanks extended by Mr.Harish Saini (Ex AGS IOBOA), who exhorted the members to motivate more and more members to attend such meetings so that we can develop the sense belongingness, bond of togetherness for sharing our views, happiness and sorrows together.

Organizing Secretary
Arise, Punjab







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