Dear Comrades,


Many retirees who are members of ARISE, were not paid gratuity under the plea that disciplinary case is pending even though their cases were disposed off by the disciplinary authority.  After having come to know of this matter, ARISE advised the affected members to file Form N with Assistant Labour Commissioner (Central) and ARISE was represented by its President, Com. K S Rengarajan to effectively pursue the matter.  After filing with ALC, Bank paid gratuity to all the affected members but without interest.  Hence, it was further followed up with ALC and we are glad to advise that the Bank has given a letter to ALC agreeing to pay interest to the affected members.


With regards,


S B C Karunakaran

General Secretary

P.S.:   We are glad to inform that the affected retirees have since been credited with the interest @ 10%.

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