AIBPARC Circulars – 2015

AIPBPARC Circular No.44/15 dt 29th September 2015

1st Meeting of the Managing Committee (extended) of AIBPARC for the year 2015 takes stock of the situation – decides to intensify follow up action and go for demonstrative programmes also – hectic org

AIBOC lodges protest against some of IBA’s response to the demands of Retirees and urges upon holding of immediate dialogue on demands of Retiress

AIBPARC demands immediate negotiation with IBA on matters relating to retirees

Bihar State Unit of AIBPARC emerges in style – Well attended gathering at Patna On 31st January, 2015 witnesses formation of a regular State Committee.

Bipartite talks on Wage Revision knock at the door.

Dharna programme on 6th February, 2015 at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi – Deferred

EC Meeting of AIBOC held at Hyderabad on 8th June, 2015.

For circulation among members of the Governing Council, Secretaries of State Units and to all affiliates.

For circulation among members of the Governing Council, State Secretaries and Special Invitees

Formation of the State Committee of Assam.

Hail the New Year 2015.

In pursuance of the decisions taken in the meeting of the Managing Committee (extended) held in Chennai on 26th March, 2015, we have already written to CEO of IBA and also to the constituents of UFBU

Negotiation between UFBU and IBA on 16th April and 23rd April, 2015.

Notice is hereby given that the 2nd meeting of the Managing Committee (extended) will be held at Chandigarh on 14th July, 2015. The venue, time and agenda are mentioned please show more detail.

Notice is hereby given that the first (1st) meeting of the Managing Committee (extended) will be held at Chennai on 26th March, 2015. Venue

Notice is hereby given that the first (1st) meeting of the Managing Committee (extended) will be held at Chennai on 26th March, 2015. Venue

Our Last Moment Request to various Constituents of UFBU to allow an audience to us.

Our representation before the constituents of UFBU

Our representation to Chief Executive Officer of IBA in respect of the demands of Pensioners & Retirees of the Banking Sector of India.

Outcome of the 1st Meeting of the Sub-group to discuss residual issues of charter of demands held on 16th March, 2015 at Mumbai.

Seeking your most urgent attention to bank pensioners’ and retiress issues

Seeking your most urgent indulgence to intervene for resolving decades’ old bank pensioners’ and retiress’ issues

Submission of Memorandum addressed to Chairman, IBA to be submitted through CMDMD & CEO of different banks by State Committees of AIBPARC.

We are extremely sorry to inform you that on 15th of February 2015, Com. V.M. Devi of Federation of Bank of India Officers’ Association, Gujrat, left all of us behind.

We are reproducing our circular No. 11-15 dated 02.03.2015 for your information.

We have much pleasure to advise all concerned that the Wage Revision talks (commonly described as Bipartite Settlement) has got a final shape on 23rd February, 2015 at Mumbai

You are all aware of the fact that the 10th Bipartite Settlement is expected to be inked up within a period not exceeding 7 days.

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