Our massive Dharna at New Delhi in which large number of members and leaders from all affiliates of AIBPARC participated in full strength and Strike Call given by AIBOC and representation sent to PMO and others by AIBPARC President Com KVA as Joint Convener of Co-ordination committee have made things move forward.

IBA has sent two communications around last week of January – one asking for data of additional cost burden estimated on account of 100% DA Neutralization to pre Nov 2002 Retirees, Uniform Family Pension @ 30% without cap to all, increase in ex-gratis to pre 1986 Retirees and The second communication calls for individual data of all pensioners and family pensioners with details of birth date, basic pension , DA etc and also asked for number of compulsory Retirees and 20 years completed RESIGNEES who were denied pension option. This data in second communication is wanted in excel format. So it can only be for calculating pension updation cost by the actuaries.

We have from ARISE today given to our bank our calculation for our bank Retirees on all these and requested the Bank to use their good offices for our cause with IBA and Ministry.

Thank you comrades for your support which alone brought this development.

Let us remain united and be battle ready to get our just dues for a life of dignity.

Thanks & Regards,

K S Rengarajan & S B C Karunakaran.

Circular issued by Co-ordination of Bank Pensioners’ and Retirees’ Organisations (CBPRO) and its Memorandum submitted to IBA are
given hereunder for your information :

CBPRO circular 002 dt 11.02.2016

CBPRO Memorandum to IBA 10.02.16

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