Message from Com. K V Acharya, President of AIBPARC :


Dear Comrades,
> A delegation of CBPRO constituents met Shri Santosh
> Kumar Gangwarji Hon’ble Minister of State for Finance
> today (i.e. 26.092016) and submitted one
> more representation in regard to the long pending issues of
> Bank Pensioners & Retirees. The Hon’ble Minister was
> pleased to give the audience to us since the earlier
> meeting scheduled for 23.08.2016 could not take place as the
> Minister had to leave for Patna on the same day on some
> urgent official engagement.
> We requested the Hon’ble Minister to consider
> our issues favourably and give good news to the Retirees
> during the ensuing Festival Season.
> Later on we met Addl Secretary , Dept of Financial
> Services and requested him to consider the issues mentioned
> in our memorandum.
> We also met Smt Sumitra Mahajan, Hon’ble Speaker of
> Lok Sabha and submitted our representation.
> We thank the leaders of Forum of Retired Bank Employees
> for facilitating the meeting with the  Honourable Speaker
> of Lok Sabha and the Hon’ble Minister.
> We are enclosing the copy of the representation
> submitted to the Hon’ble Minister.
> Yours comaradely,
> A.Ramesh Babu       K V Acharya
>Joint  Convenors.




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